Seize the day!

June monsoons hit with a vengeance last night – thunder, lightening, hail, and torrential rain for much of the evening – making me doubly glad I took time for a hike up Forgetmenot Ridge before the weather descended.

Normally running underground at this point, the Big Elbow was showing signs of spring rain and winter melt-off. (Photo Credit: B. Kopp)

Wind gusts of up to 100 km/h added to the ridgetop experience! (Photo Credit: M. Kopp)

As always, there were beautiful things to see! (Photo credit: M, Kopp)

Now that the weather has turned, it’s time to hole up in the office. With no major deadlines looming, I can update the blog, learn more about LinkedIn and other social media marketing tools for writers, catch up on the requisite writer’s bookwork, and send out a couple of new article queries. Making the most of each day – whatever it brings – is what makes being a freelance writer worthwhile.

What are you up to today?

“We would accomplish many more things
if we did not think of them as impossible.” – Vince Lombardi