One Writer’s Year

I do spend time in the office, it’s just that this writer’s inspiration comes from the outside. So here’s a look back at my muse in 2014.


Hold still Frosty, I need a pic for Instagram! (Credit: A. Kopp)

“Hold still Frosty, I need a pic for Instagram!” (Credit: A. Kopp)


Escape (Photo: B. Kopp)

An Amiskwi Escape (Photo: B. Kopp)


Cruising in San Diego (Credit: B.Kopp)

Cruising in San Diego (Credit: B. Kopp)


Heading out on the San Juan River, Utah (Credit: M. Kopp)

Heading out on the San Juan River, Utah (Credit: M. Kopp)


Backpacking Grand Gulch, Utah (Credit: B. Kopp)

Backpacking Grand Gulch, Utah (Credit: B. Kopp)


Ha Ling Peak, Canmore (Credit: M. Kopp)

Ha Ling Peak, Canmore (Credit: M. Kopp)


Forbidden Plateau, Vancouver Island (Credit: M. Kopp)

Forbidden Plateau, Vancouver Island (Credit: M. Kopp)


Getting set to backpack into Mt. Robson, BC (Credit: B. Kopp)

Getting set to backpack into Mt. Robson, BC (Credit: B. Kopp)


Egypt Lake, BC (Credit: B. Kopp)

Tryst Lake, AB (Credit: B. Kopp)


Hiking along the Lycian Way, Turkey. (Credit: B. Kopp)

Hiking along the Lycian Way, Turkey. (Credit: B. Kopp)


Wintery walk up Cougar Creek, Canmore (Credit: M. Kopp)

Wintery walk up Cougar Creek, Canmore (Credit: M. Kopp)


Bluebird day at Chester Lake. (Credit: B. Kopp)

Bluebird day at Chester Lake, Kananaskis.  (Credit: B. Kopp)

Seasonal Inspiration

Let’s face it, freelance writers often have to toot their own horns and beat their own drums. November and December are notoriously quiet months, work wise, but I sold a travel story to a new to me market this past week. I don’t have a horn and can’t keep a beat, but this a cappella version of Little Drummer Boy from Pentatonix should do the trick! It inspired me to celebrate this writer’s quiet season.

Seems this is turning into a month of Christmas v-inspiration!

What inspires you to write?

The Christmas Journey and a Writer’s Mind

I’m a sucker for moments that touch the heart. They make me cry, they make me smile, they make me want to write! I’m not sure of the connection, but there is something about good things that makes me happy… and when I’m happy the creative juices flow!

It was a commercial – of all things – that lead to this latest burst of emotion and desire to pen a few words. A simple, elegant commercial about the joy of giving. Watch “The Journey” for yourself.

There is something magical about the joy that comes from go above and beyond to give from the heart. This Christmas season, I plan to keep it going with random acts of kindness – from shovelling my neighbour’s walks, to donating a few of my children’s books to the local library, to sharing tips for helping, as yet, unpublished travel writers break into the market. I’m going to give from the heart.

Care to join me? How are you going to spread the magic this holiday season?