One day outdoors equals one happy writer

Inspiration always begins outdoors – for me.

Today I skipped out of the office and enjoyed a bluebird day on the slopes of Nakiska brushing up on rusty tele turns.

Outside inspiration. (Credit: B. Kopp)

Outside inspiration. (Credit: B. Kopp)

You wouldn’t think a ski hill – groomed and open – as being a place for wildlife. Nakiska is set in the Rockies. We have watched lynx crouched quietly in the tree on nearby slopes and once saw a wolverine from the Silver Chair. It hovered slope side, pacing back and forth as it waited for the opportune moment to cross. Today, the woods were silent, but the sky was alive with action as Chinook clouds painted ever-changing scenes on a cerulean backdrop.

I didn’t come back from today’s outdoor adventure with an incredible wildlife sighting or fantastic adventure tale or writing epiphany, but I did come back relaxed and happy and ready to work. That is more than enough for me.

What takes you out of the office and lets you come back in a positive frame of mind?

P.S. Came back to find an ad seeking an outdoor travel writer. Yes! Except that it’s for Ontario parks. However, it does feed the dream that outdoor travel writer jobs exist!


Plans for the New Year

It’s just a flip of the calendar page, but the new month that faces us is full of promise. Of lives lived stronger, of work done harder, of promises kept better.

One of the promises I made to myself was to focus on this blog and make it matter. It is a reflection of one writer’s life, but it is also a tool for motivation – whether for writing, or getting outside, or travelling to new lands.

With this in mind, I’m going to blog 3 times a week. Tuesdays will tackle writing-related topics. Wild Wednesdays will be all about the great outdoors. Thursdays will focus on travel themes.

The posts may be a simple as a photo, a link to a published article, or a new market for writers. They may be long-winded pieces about epic mini-adventures. They will be all me.

Hopefully you find something to make you smile, to make you think, or to make you do.

What is on your horizon for 2015?

What is on your horizon for 2015?